Windows 7: The endless search for updates


Today put on a laptop Windows system 7 from scratch, and I come face to face with the problem, when Windows for a long time looking for updates. My search logs, of pressing keys “reset” and even swear words – did not help, but helped Google, so now we have to write it here! Because I did not immediately find the solution to the problem. First, I came across a couple of forums, where the super geniuses advised to re-establish vindous, remove antivirus, run with a tambourine, IT specialist and call a friend to give him a royal blowjob, or take in a service center, which will be exactly the same search in Google solution to this problem.


Now! For the magic solution to this problem need to just download something update KB3102810 (Direct links: Windows 7 x86|Windows 7 x64)

I want to thank dude, who wrote article, that helped me.



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