Bitcoin miner steam.exe to crack a toy

I sat means, vidyuhi type clocked. Launched “Tons bagel” and watched 150FPS. But then suddenly it became 130FPS! But why? I chopped off the hairy bagel, vidyuha but it continued to be used for all 100% downloading, and the fan and buzzing. Looking at the list of processes, I immediately realized, there spinning something bad titled steam.exe (with normal Steam was closed at this time). And yes, as soon as I killed the process – vidyuhi calmed down. Now, I understand, it Bitcoin miner. How he came to me – question.

Remove to heram

  1. Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl Shift ESC and kill the process in the list steam.exe . You can also run a command prompt and run there:
    taskkill /IM steam.exe /f 
  2. Open the folder% appdata%, there we find the Steam folder, and it Reversed folder. There will be a lie our steam.exe. Open secpol.msc (in the start-up in the search bar type secpol.msc and press Enter). There are moving in “Software Restriction Policies” and choose the right “Create Policy”. Next, add in the box on the right path rule (let the folder Reversed) and generally to hash (select the file steam.exe)
  3. To delete the folder heram Reversed and restartuem computer



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