Blog P1ratRuleZZZ

Another option MTProto Proxy advertising

First time, channel advertising and ipv6 support (!!!) was added to unofficial MTProto Proxy server on Python

The installation is simple, like sin(30) x 2

  1. Generate a secret
    echo "your password or whatether random or not random" | md5sum
  2. Write to @MTProxybot and register your future proxy address
  3. Clone repo and install the docker
    apt-get install git docker-compose
    git clone; cd mtprotoproxy
  4. Edit and insert the tag you got from bot in step 2 for advertising proxy, and our secret (You can insert several secrets)
  5. Run, check
    docker-compose up --build -d
    docker-compose logs


Yes I Am, surely, it is currently only possible implementation of the proxy server, which will run on Windows. You will need to download files from repository, put the latest version of Python 3.x, and it is desirable to establish pycryptodome, and to do this best through easy_install, which is in the folder with python.

easy_install pycryptodome

This command will attempt to install the module for cryptography, but it will give an error, ask to install Visual Studio Build Tools (is free), you can download it there. If you are installing only need to select the checkbox Build tools. After installation restart easy_install (The above command). If you can not, You can skip this step, and test the server without this module, without it will work too, but the load on the CPU will be several times higher, however, 1-2 customer that is enough.

More about MTProxy:


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