[Music][Piano][Improvisation] Rita Lurza – Eliza Stories

Here is what I’ve done at 3:00 AM someday. Just a simple piano improvisation in soundtrack style. Actually it was started to find some inspiration in sound of piano and then start writing one of my stories but eventually I could not start the actual story 🙁 But I’m waiting when inspiration will hit me in the head and I’ll immediately start writing some new imagined story with main character named Liza.

This variation may contain some familiar melody in the beggining, it is Him – Join Me In Death.

Rita Lurza – Liza Stories (AAC, 500kbps, 44100kHz)

      Liza Stories - Rita Lurza


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Eurovision 2016: thinking out loud and favorites

Well this time Eurovision 2016 somehow disappointed me. The rooms are all as one as a blueprint, and yes, Nor, for that matter business, Russian number is not at all impressed nirazu. “All this I have seen in the past year!” – I said to myself. Of course, room Lazarev 1 in 1 copied from the last winner. Yes I Am, and why every time Russia sends popular crooners to this competition, while, both from other countries come all sorts of welders, storekeepers and cooks, for whom music – it's just a hobby. Also, this time attended by so many groups, that's just all, who plays the instruments on stage, as if in fact they do not play a, but just pretend. Anyone, who heard the live music, will understand, live music that somehow would sound impure lazhi, and it will all be heard in one channel and mixed with vocals, other instruments and noise – just like if you listen to the sounds of the city outside the window.

Of course, involved in the show policy, and, I think, that the outcome of the tournament has long been defined by someone, who from this will benefit all. Let us turn to the same objective, independent assessment and nevatnoy – my humble opinion.

And So, in my ideal world, on an objective assessment of wins – Belgium

Number of quality delivered, otrepetirovan. Vocals – acceptable. Music – dynamic, the original.

Then there is the Austrian nyasha, singing in French, I do not know

Number cheerful, song – the original. execution – a good, in addition, sing in French harder. But, I confess, I just liked the girl.

Well, surely, I note another favorite – Poland. Igor Nikolaev scored these great vocals. And the song is clearly partially copied from Russian motives. But it is very melodious music, harmony of interest, and the song itself is quite strong.


Posted in Audio, Vocal / Singing, The Arts, The Culture, Music, Music, News | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Drupal 8: How to redirect to batch form after submit to custom url (batch api)

I’ve been fighting with this for a long time but then I found simple solution.

I needed to redirect to new batch processing page right after clicking submit button so here is a solution

public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $identity = isset($form_state->getTriggeringElement()['#identity']) ? $form_state->getTriggeringElement()['#identity'] : 'unknown';
    switch ($identity) {
      case static::BTN_UPDATE;
        $batch = [
          'title' => t('Updating'),
          'operations' => [
            array('sfo_common_batch_callbacks__taxonomy_update_cache_process', [[]]),
          'finished' => 'sfo_common_batch_callbacks__taxonomy_update_cache_finished',
          'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'sfo_common') . '/include/batch/sfo_common.taxonomy_cache.inc',

        $request =  batch_process(static::URL_REDIRECT);
        return $request->send();
        drupal_set_message(t('Incorrect operation'));

This is the usecase I found. But this is only works great for batch. If you need to redirect after form submit it is also possible to use

public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $form_state->setRedirect(taxonomy.vocabulary.collection); // Here need to pass route name from *.routes.yml file

  //But if you need to redirect to custom url
  $form_state->setRedirectUrl(Url::fromUri('http://google.com')); // Need to pass Drupal\Core\Url object here

Other ways to redirect https://www.drupal.org/node/2023537


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Electro Sun – Pure Blue (2005) (FLAC, 16bit/48kHz)

Fullon slightly different from the distant 2005 year. More of this will not be Fullon, take, while there is.


Electro Sun - Pure Blue (2005)


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The original and unexpected gift to 8 Martha


(We cut and kill flowers, because they are beautiful, but at the same time, we cut and kill their own kind, because they do not like us)


In general, recently I had a discussion on the topic of, What to give the girls on different occasions, whether 8 March or any Housewarming, her birthday Kitty cat or something else. Most people do not care, they are going to give, because it is a habit, because every year there is one and the same. Usually, All have become accustomed to getting all sorts of ties, shaving foam and every perfume delusional, special, if you perfume gives your girl, then just do not use this acid mixture, because the, if you appreciate your girl (not that, my), it will give you the most disgusting smell perfume, because these snakes are cunning and clever, they do not want, to your subtle scent of perfume stuck to other females (or males, that true now). Continue reading


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Windows 7: The endless search for updates


Today put on a laptop Windows system 7 from scratch, and I come face to face with the problem, when Windows for a long time looking for updates. My search logs, of pressing keys “reset” and even swear words – did not help, but helped Google, so now we have to write it here! Because I did not immediately find the solution to the problem. First, I came across a couple of forums, where the super geniuses advised to re-establish vindous, remove antivirus, run with a tambourine, IT specialist and call a friend to give him a royal blowjob, or take in a service center, which will be exactly the same search in Google solution to this problem.


Now! For the magic solution to this problem need to just download something update KB3102810 (Direct links: Windows 7 x86|Windows 7 x64)

I want to thank dude, who wrote article, that helped me.



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