PS4 now supports external HDD and SSD

hdd external ps storage

With the release of updates v4.50 Support has been added for external USB 3.0 drives to be used as external storage. What does it mean? After the hard disk before you can connect to the PS4, to transfer to backups, screenshots and recorded video, or saves files, So what's so tough in this? 

Now, Now, connecting to the hard disk system via USB3.0 port, It can be stored and run the game directly from the external hard drive! undoubtedly, It's very cool feature, which should have added a long time, in addition, This feature opens up a potential hole for hackers, I hope, This can lead to the possibility of cheating PS4 licensed via a USB dongle in the future, some. Same, mounted drive can be configured as “main” to install new games. For those, who in the tank, and buy games on disc, thinking, what “But I have the same drive on hands, what for gave me hard”, I tell, that as soon as a disc is inserted into the PS4, he begins to fully copy the game to the HDD, so even I (man, playing only exclusives) 850GB of space already occupied 500! Imagine, what's going on in people, in which the internal hard drive or less are played only on the console!

Therefore place finishes on the disc, generally, very fast. All, now you need to do, is to buy a box (HDD Case) with USB support 3,0 (required condition), insert the disc any suitable (can be SSD or HDD) and to sacrifice a single port 3.0 PS4 on this case for external storage. What it comes at a price? Turns, you're spending money on the cost of the external drive, Well, USB3.0 port is sacrificed. As for me, so this is the cheapest way to expand the amount of disk PS4.

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authorizing hardware. Meet the FIDO U2F


Nowadays, passwords are more and more, sbrutforsit and easy password is not working, even if it is to emerge from time to time CAPTCHA, whose solution can be entrusted with the Indians through special services, Accessibility API for this case. In general, ensure the safety of more complex. Even with a very strong and long password selection is possible, and if no selection, that any schoolboy in our time can think of and write your own a la “troyan” or keylogger or extension to the browser, which will keep track of the page and pull out passwords from forms. Likely, I have just released the program will not be intercepted by any Antivirus until, until someone does not send a malicious binary for review, and the signature is not added to the database.

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Lettuce – Crush (2015, FLAC, 16bit/44.1kHz, CD)

Lettuce - Crush

Title: Lettuce – Crush
Publication Type: audio CD
Year: 2015
Genre / Style: Fank


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Black Sabbath – Paranoid (1970, FLAC, 24bit/96kHz, Vinyl)


Black Sabbath - Paranoid

Title: Black Sabbath – Paranoid
Publication Type: Vinyl record
Year: 1970
Genre / Style: Heavy metal


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Vertical “floating” Vinyl player for 400$


Vinyl is now experiencing a rebirth. Popular and supporting its image artists still release albums on vinyl, because it looks expensive and solidly, however many entries have already been made from digital sources, which reduces the sense of the presence of vinyl only to “punty”. Previously the studios all written mostly on film, today the figure is written mainly in the, because they are cheap gigabytes, serious on the figure to make it easier, cheaper and faster, and play or sing all right the first time is quite difficult, would have to spend on such films kilometers entries! And then pregonyat since the film on vinyl, if you look, how to make vinyl records, it can be assumed, that once overtaken with the film on the master drive, You can nashtampovat about 1000 Copies, and then have to re-create a new master drive, and so on, therefore usually on vinyl edition available in limited quantities. Continue reading


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Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst. Get rid of freezes and lags

I’ve bought this game recently and on my core-i7 4770k with 32GB ram and GTX 780 I got micro freezes so was kind of impossible to play at all!

But on another PC with AMD FX 8350 4.0 gHz and 16Gb Ram there were not any freezes.

I tried overclocking CPU to 4.3 gHz (Core i7 4770k) but it did not help. Also tried to use only 2 (8gb x 2) Ram instead of 4 DIMMS, but also did not help. And finally I found this.

Thanks to this guy, he really saved my life!

So here is a list of what can you do to get rid of freezes on your PC:

  1. Remove or Close Asus GameFirst app. Another name is ROG GameFirst. (This method helped me)
  2. Run game. Then press Alt+Tab and minimize the game. Open task manager (Ctrl+Shift+ESC) and find Mirrors Edge process and choose “details” to find its process. Set process priority to “High”
  3. If you have powerful PC, got to Game Settings->Video and set Graphics Quality to “Ultra” then re-run the game

Hope that these advices will help you at least to achieve comfortable gameplay!

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