YOTA – Complete freedom in Russia as one simkarty


I recently became the owner of simkarty YOTA. Yes I Am, now it's mobile operator. When buying a sim-cards you are given the federal number, beginning at “999”. I was very pleased with the condition: unlimited internet for a month 300r! But the truth is there is a fly had to make: unlimited internet up and running at full speed only, when you sit with your smartphone. If you insert the plate, the speed is limited to 64kb per second. And when you connect to the phone as a modem, the speed is reduced to 1Mbit and is given only 30min session. it, generally, good speed, I quite enough, to poserfit online, but to watch videos and listen to streaming music is not enough.

For tablets recently appeared a special tariff plan. Most minimum payment 350 rubles. For this you get unlimited internet at a speed of 1Mbit. If you pay 200 rubles, something for 550 rubles you will 3mbit. Not enough, agree. Their tariff for tablets Th me something I do not like, but it is thought to believe, that will be something like turboknopki, including the maximum speed for any rubles for a couple of hours. Or you can pay 750 rubles per month and receive unlimited high speed internet access with no speed limit for the tablet.




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The territory of passion: The musical 14 October 2014 year



That's premiere called “The territory of passion”, tells a love story in the form of musical and dramatic performance. About the performance, His characters and opinions of participants, can be viewed on VKontakte page https://vk.com/club68092918.

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Posted in Vocal / Singing, The Arts, The Culture, Music, Performances / Musicals | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Rotten apples: again about Apple. iPhone 6 and iWatch.

Well, that's the long-awaited presentation of new iPhones from Apple. We've all seen the video of, how will this iPhone 6, all the imagined something incredible, umopomrachitelynoe and originalynoe; but expectations have once again failed to materialize. I can even say, that this time it was completely nothing.

You can read the characteristics of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus there.

I spend only a comparative result of addition, what has changed in contrast to the iPhone 5s. Continue reading


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All of vinyl: how to make vinyl records; how to set up player

How are vinyl records

Have you ever thought about the topic “and how all these vinyl records are written”?

Briefly about the process of creating a vinyl record

  1. It all starts with a reference disk, made of aluminum. Such a disc covered with lacquer, and is sent to the recording studio
  2. On the recording studio to the disc using a sapphire cutter “cut” track on the record
  3. Then the disk on top covered with a layer of a metal (tin with something there, and nickel). Here, the record is kept and a half hours, this figure is very important, because overexposure or underexposure can ruin all the work!
  4. This plate is immersed in a special tank with a solution, where the electrochemical reaction, during which all the metal deposited neatly on the plate.
  5. This metal layer is stripped from the aluminum plate and with a device located center plate
  6. Further, this steel plate is used, to extrude a solution of polyvinyl chloride in the familiar to all of us of the plate (used today 180 grams of this solution, making plate thick and strong). Stickers kleyut at the same stage, right in front of the pressure of. The average time of such pressing 22-28 seconds

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Posted in Analog audio, Audio, Audiophiles, Vinyl, turntables, story, Music, Cognitive | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Looks like a vinyl record under the microscope

Microscope – an interesting device! All items under his eyepiece, look not so, as we see them with the naked eye, therefore, it becomes very interesting to look at all underneath. Vinyl records were no exception. With increases in several times can be seen, vinyl that looks just like a concrete wall with notches. Generally microscope – a device, who exactly should be in any audiophile or music lover, not recognizing the digital sound of the warm analog sound. No, Not only that, the sound quality is better, it sounds more detail and softer, than digitized version. Just the sound from vinyl is much more pleasant to the human ear, interesting, more mobile; moreover, it is a whole culture, even fanaticism.

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Hacking century: from apple iCloud cloud flowed into the network naughty photos of celebrities

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