How silently revenge neighbors – make some noise in Wi-Fi!

theme 2015-03-10 01.23.40


My neighbors (as neighbors and all others) constantly noisy: then drilling a wall puncher wake me up, drunk (and maybe sober) neighbor is yelling so, the walls begin to vibrate by sound waves, reflected from the walls of her room, and then another on the battery knock some wise guy, assuming, it would make her shut up, but in doing so only produces more noise around the house. In general, Orchestra of our house is absolutely no. So I decided to take revenge on neighbors, but as revenge, that no one had heard of acoustics, and decided to make some noise as it should in the Wi-Fi radio waves of different frequencies most! (And I kept thinking, what is in my head hurts? And when I realized – decided to turn off vayfay, but thought, that the neighbors should also have a headache, therefore left, as is).

Nobody buys routers with wi-fi 5GGz

In fact, if you put jokes aside, then in this picture can be seen, 5G networks that stuck I alone (rather, a few of my routers), and all the rest of the crowd in noisy 2.4GHz. Although it is quite strange, because I thought, 5G network that has long come to us and they should now be in bulk!

PS: “Why are you here finally wrote?”

Outside – the month of March, rather, is only the beginning. This means, that winter is over – my favorite season, so in my life there have been dramatic changes: my old muse over (I will not say, who is this, because everyone still spit ), in other words, exhausted, and it took me the existence of energy. In general, simply speaking, – I was just bored and absolutely nothing else to do, so I decided to scan the WiFi network.


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Setting up a dedicated network KVM Ubuntu Host c 2 IP addresses on the Hetzner

And So! Finally got to attach to the guest OS, an additional external IP address, I bought less, than 1 Euro at Hettsnera (Robot in the admin).

To set up, we need to make a new bridge (bridge) virbr2, but I'm not going to describe the steps here, how to do it (may be, later?), and only share with everyone magic link, where I found the answer to your question!

Russian manual for configuring kvm network bridge I, may be, lay out later, look at the source link below with instructions in English (the first part with the caps and you can skip).



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Assassin's Creed: Rogue out 10 March – Should we trust to Ubisoft?



Preloading of Assassin's Creed is now available In Steam: Rogue, but it is unplayable yet, because the content will be decrypted only on March 10. Yet for pirates (like me) the game became available on March 7 and can be get from any torrent trackers – download and play.

Pre-order on Steam can still be canceled

In Steam pre-order you can still cancel, if the game is something you are not satisfied, and it may well happen, therefore advise all, who have already pre-order, download and play pirates, and this has to conclude, whether or not this game 2000 rubles, or not worth it.

The reasons for this may be a bunch:

  1. Low quality products Ubisoft recently raises questions
  2. Price is clearly not adequate (as for Unity, Far Cry 4)
  3. Support Ubisoft moronic (see below)
  4. In SLI mode, no game does not work properly – all the time fly or texture twinkle, and no one is going to Fix

A little about Ubisoft

I have always respected the game for Ubisoft Prince of Persia, in those days,, when there was no PS3 and PS4 and xbox, games on PC have been popular, and the cost is cheaper (I for 200 rubles bought the CD POP: Two Thrones by Akella). The quality of this game is still at the highest level, Unlike the same Unity.

Recently there was a case of my appeal to tech support about the departure of Far Cry 4. I asked a question, explained the situation, thanked in advance for your help. Immediately after creating a support ticket I climbed to seek a solution and found it very quickly: just delete the folder Far Cry 4 settings from the Documents folder. Three days later, I received an answer (!), in which they asked the first thing to prove, I bought the game, because otherwise they will not help me, and asked them to throw dxdiag, and report on system, as well as a photo of my bare ass pet. Of course, all of which I sent to them, and the next day came here is such a response: “Open the startup and shut down all applications out”. I had no words, to even answer: simple mat there is not something that was not acceptable, He was useless, like any other word, so I did not answer, just put the worst marks for technical support.

In total

  1. Ubisoft shit.
  2. Ubisoft does not support products for PC, all the time engaged only in consoles
  3. The inadequacy of the prices of products
  4. It is not necessary to buy more products Ubisoft
  5. Do not buy even for cooperative, because society at Ubisoft shit – this proves Far Cry 4
  6. Absolutely complete incompatibility of work in SLI mode (bought two top vidyuhi – why?)



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Linkin Park again in Moscow 29.08.2015


Last year I was able to attend a concert band Linkin Park, which needs no special introduction. However, the experience of the concert were not the best for this “adult” man, like me. And Linkin Park again in Moscow 29.08.2015 come to a concert in the UK Olympic.

I already wrote about their experiences about the concert, I hope so, that it will help to solve, whether to go to this show at all. I can only add, the concert, date which coincides with the date of birth of your ex-girlfriend is going to be not the best concert, but who knows?, Suddenly this time Linkin Park decided not to rejoice girls, as last time, and bring us a little bit old school and play things a little more of the albums 2000-2003 years!




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White-gold and black-and-blue dress all already got

Incomprehensible phenomenon (I'll just have not yet figured it out, as soon understand, otpishu, of course)

Again poll, again the same result! Dress in fact is blue with black lace, but some people (and their more) see it white and gold at the same photos!



Зачем ты это сюда написал?

Я обожаю холивары. Я люблю спорить, но каждый спор заканчивается, а вместе с ним заканчивается и интерес к спору. Так почему бы не спорить бесконечно? Да, люблю я спорить на бесконечные темы, типа этой или “что лучше: айфон или андроид телефон?”

P.S: Интерес вызывает этот феномен. Я реально не понимаю, почему разные люди видят это платье разными цветами! Я сколько бы на него ни смотрел – оно всегда синее с черным и все. Значит будем изучать, пока не дойдем до состояния “а, вот оно почему так!”.


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Как поменять валюту steam


Запускал я значит Steam на сервере, расположенном в Германии. После этого все цены в магазине поменялись на “евро”. Нашел простой способ поменять валюту steam:

  1. Запускаем любую игру в Steam
  2. Жмем Shift+Tab, чтобы открыть оверлей Steam
  3. Мышкой кликаем на “Открыть центр сообщества” либо на ссылку “Все достижения”, в общем, цель в том, чтобы открыть браузер.
  4. Открывается страница Steam, наверху мы видим свою учетную запись. Выбираем “Магазин” -> “Популярное”, видим товары с ценами в “евро”
  5. В адресной строке в конце добавляем ?cc=ru, то есть (можно скопировать эту ссылку и вставить вместо того адреса). Жмем Enter – и цены у нас в рублях!



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