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Overview of banks in Kazakhstan through the eyes of a Russian

Russians, being spoiled in terms of fintech in that form, where they were at the end 2021 year, may wonder, that not all banks in the world, turns, look like Tinkoff or Rocketbank, or even other well-known and little-known banks. Namely: have a mega app, where you can open accounts, issue virtual cards, attach them to any account, transfer money from and to a brokerage account quickly and easily, one swipe and click to confirm.

Due to the departure of Visa, Mastercard, JCB, Discovery from Russia, the problem of paying abroad has become very acute. What should the Russians do, who travel or move for a long time to another country, кроме как не пойти и не открыть счет в местном банке.

We will review the situation for all foreigners, who came to Kazakhstan for a long time to work, study or to reunite with relatives or obtain a residence permit/citizenship. The problem, с которой они столкнутся – для получения зарплаты или прочих выплат и так далее, You will need local bank accounts. Перво наперво – если нет загранпаспорта, no financial institution in this country will do business with you. therefore, make sure, that you have a passport, the term of which does not come out in the coming days and even months.

And So, let's move on to an overview and a detailed description of all banks, which I have personally tried, poke and use, because otherwise it will all be just words, backed up by nothing.

The sort order of banks in this post means nothing. Is it the popularity of the bank among the locals.

Main points and nuances

СМП – Система мгновенных переводов. Аналог нашей СБП – системы быстрых переводов. I will indicate, which banks support this technology.

ИИН – Аналог нашего ИНН. Taxpayer number. No financial institution will do business with you, if you have not been assigned an IIN. You can get it in a couple of days, personally contacting the local PSC (analogue of our MFCs) with passport and active Kazakh phone number.

Kaspi Bank


The most popular and frequently used bank in Kazakhstan. Если вы собираетесь долго находиться в этой стране – мастхэв.

Главная фишка этого банка – оплата по QR коду. Also a guarantee, that in every small basement stall or in the market or in a taxi you can pay by transfer to a phone number, what replaces cash. Если же что-то проходит как “оплата”, а не как “перевод”, what else and bonuses accrue (cashback).

The plastic card of this bank is printed for 60 seconds in a special card machine. You can pick up a card with your name stamped on it on the same day, how to apply to the bank to open an account.

Еще одна основная фишка карты – суперприложение, in which the shop is located, flea market and banking app. You can pay for anything, with 99% most likely all service providers accept payment by this bank.

Service: 11st year free, then 1 995 tenge per year.

VIsa Gold card, allows you to withdraw cash 300 000 tenge per month. And you can shoot without a card, без приложения – авторизовавшись по биометрии.

Cash limit: 300 000 per month

Price: 1995 tenge from the 2nd year of use.

SMP support: No

Transfers by card number: 200 tenge per operation

Multicurrency: No

Cashback: in the form of bonuses (1 bonus = 1 tenge), charged for payments via QR (payment, not translations). Can only be used when paying via QR.

Currencies: tenge

Visa Alias: No

Brokerage account: no

Documents for opening an account: Passport with border crossing stamp, IIN certificate (just a number might be enough, but it is better to print the certificate)

International: Yes I Am (currency conversion at the bank rate)

Google pay/Apple pay: No

Issuing additional cards in the application: No

Card details in the application: All details visible

Number of ATMs: Plenty everywhere

Have an internet bank: No

Outcome: Для жизни в Казахстане – мастхэв. Without this bank, it will simply be hard to exist in this country.. Mostly useless outside of Kazakhstan, although the map will work, have to put up with double currency conversions and not very good rates.

Halyk Bank


Map: Bonus card

Price: 200 tenge per month

Multicurrency: yes they are

Transfers by card number: 200 tenge per operation

Transfers by phone number: Only through Visa Alias, with the possibility of crediting an incoming transfer

The extract contains the address: No


Cashback: Bonuses, but can only be used, where is Halyk Club, or convert bonuses to bonuses for Alser or Sulpak stores (Appliances, electronics). Applies to partners only, there are shares

Currencies: Tenge/Euro/Dollar or Tenge/Euro/Dollar/Ruble

Brokerage account: For residents only

Documents for opening an account: Passport with border crossing stamp, IIN certificate (just a number might be enough, but it is better to print the certificate). Трудовой договор – при наличии.

Google pay/Apple pay: Yes I Am

Details in the application: no card number, account numbers only

The extract contains the address: No

Issuing additional cards in the application: For residents only

Number of ATMs: full

Have an internet bank: Yes I Am

Another popular bank of Kazakhstan, National Bank (nation = nation). All green, just like Sber. Of all the cards, these have the longest lifespan.. Мультивалютная карта работает коряво – Если у вас на счету 10 dollars, 0 tenge. You just deposited from another bank 7000 tenge, you will have the following picture: 7000 tenge will be displayed in the balance, however, they will hang for some time in processing. And if you make an operation, let us say, to 3000 tenge, then this payment will be debited from DOLLARS!. Which is very uncomfortable sometimes, because you could buy dollars at the same rate, but write differently. Therefore, it is recommended to have at least 2 cards of this bank (however, multicurrency). One for settlements in Tenge in Kazakhstan. Вторую – для расчетов в валюте. So you can guarantee, that only the currency will be debited from the currency account, and Tenge will be exclusively on another map.

Very difficult to use this bank, if you do not have at least a residence permit, which guarantees, that your biometric data will be associated with digital documents. Enter the bank application, that's another quest, especially on iphone. On Android, you can download the old version of Homebank, log in with a one-time password, then update it to the latest version. В целом – хорошая карта. Cashback is not very friendly, though if used wisely, profit can be found.

HomeCredit Bank


Price: Is free

Issuing additional cards in the application: Yes I Am, for all

Evening: Bonuses in the form of Tenge. Charged for any transactions + promotional + first 90 days after the activation of the card, increased cashbacks are valid, and also there are random categories every month for increased cashback. Bonuses can be withdrawn in any amount, there is no minimum.

Multicurrency: No

Google Pay/Apple Pay: Yes I Am

The extract contains the address: Yes I Am

Documents for opening an account: Passport with border crossing stamp, IIN certificate (just a number might be enough, but it is better to print the certificate). Can be done ONLINE with delivery! Identification when meeting with the courier.

Card type: Visa

Currencies: tenge

Brokerage account: No

Number of ATMs: Very little

Have an internet bank: No


Visa Alias: No

Outcome: Excellent card for payments in Tenge. Have contactless payments, easy to issue, very convenient cashback, you can also issue a card, without leaving home (no plastic). Outside of Kazakhstan, the effectiveness of the card will not be very good due to the fact, that there are no currency cards.

Eurasian Bank

Price: 4000 tenge per month

Multicurrency: Yes I Am

Currencies: Tenge/Euro/Dollars

Google Pay/Apple Pay: Yes I Am

The extract contains the address: Yes I Am

Brokerage account: Yes I Am, but citizens of the Russian Federation are not opened.

Have an internet bank: Yes I Am

NSR: Yes I Am

Visa Alias: Yes I Am

Cashback: Yes I Am, in tenge. Can't withdraw. To spend bonuses, you need to activate the write-off of bonuses, and at the next payment they will be written off as a discount. There is only one category of increased cashback, changes once a month (user)

You can issue an additional card: For residents only. Non-residents must contact the bank.

Documents for opening an account: Passport with border crossing stamp, IIN certificate (just a number might be enough, but it is better to print the certificate), Employment contract. Compliance check required. There is a very high chance of being rejected for no reason.

Outcome: Popular and very popular bank, is an intermediary for many SWIFT transfers from other banks. Premium segment card gives privileges, such as insurance and airport lounge access. There are outgoing SWIFT transfers, but only to accounts of individuals. To send to the account of a legal entity, you will need to contact the bank in person. Excellent card for payments abroad, but there are confusing moments: When replenishing the card by transferring dollars or euros from another bank directly, the amount is first displayed in currency, then converted to Tenge. To keep this from happening, it is desirable to transfer currency from the card account to a foreign currency account, and transfer from a foreign currency account only if you need to make a payment in this currency.

Bank Center Credit

Multicurrency: Yes I Am

NSR: Yes I Am

Alias: Yes I Am

Price: free in tenge (card card). Валютные Travel – 5000 tenge per month, IronCard – 10 000 tenge per month. When spending 500 000 тенге в месяц – карта Iron будет бесплатна. At 300 000 тенге в месяц – карта Travel бесплатна.

Currencies: Tenge/Dollar/Euro/Ruble/Arabic Dirham

Cashback: Yes I Am. Minimum savings required 1500 tenge for withdrawal to the account. Can be cashed out.

Documents for opening an account: Passport with border crossing stamp, IIN certificate (just a number might be enough, but it is better to print the certificate), employment contract (sometimes you have to, sometimes not)

Brokerage account: Forex, available to everyone. Также есть инвест – доступен только резидентам.

ATMs: Enough. If BCC ATMs had social media accounts, то они бы постили что-то вроде “стою с надписью “обслуживание”” – банкоматы часто не работают. but, You can withdraw from other ATMs.

Outcome: The ideal bank for a non-resident. Карта Travel – оптимальное решение и по цене и по достоинствам. Large limits on transfers by SMP and card number without commissions and withdrawals. Travel card (plastic) looks like a passport, gives privileges in the form of access to the Lounge and Visa Consierge. Карта IronCard – по-настоящему железная карта, no kidding. Has higher withdrawal and transfer limits. Generally the same, how Travel. Forex will allow you to exchange currency at a favorable rate. Cashback available for all categories, travel related. If you have a card card (which is only in tenge) you can fully beat off the service per month, having accumulated cashback. The most functional bank of Kazakhstan, in my view.

Bank Freedom Finance

NSR: Yes I Am

Alias: Yes I Am

Price: 30 000 tenge for opening a card. 1000 tenge per month.

Currencies: Tenge/Dollar/Euro/Ruble

Multicurrency: Yes I Am

Google Pay/Apple Pay: Yes I Am

Documents for opening an account: Passport with border crossing stamp, IIN certificate

Brokerage account: Yes I Am, Global PLC. Including for non-residents.

Outcome: Great world map bundled with a poor app, where you can set GEO restrictions for countries (but!). Works closely with Cifra Bank (former Freedom Finance in Russia). Multicurrency works well.

Bank Jusan

NSR: Yes I Am

Alias: Yes I Am

Google Pay/Apple Pay: Yes I Am

Price: Is free

Multicurrency: Yes I Am

Currencies: Tenge/Dollar/Euro/Ruble

Cashback: Two categories per month if Gold status. Одна – если не Gold. status can be achieved, if you spend 70 000 tenge per month by card. Bonuses can be paid for utilities, phone and more. Can't cash out.

Brokerage account: For residents.

Outcome: Excellent bank for life in Kazakhstan and trips abroad or subscriptions. For residents, the number of currencies is clearly wider (for non-residents before it was also). However, the courses are not very good., but not terrible. Мульивалютность отлично работает – если на счете есть 10 lollars and 0 tenge, when paying 5000 tenge on the account will be displayed -5000 tenge and 10 dollars. So it will hang for a couple of days, and, if you have time to submit 5000 tenge, then it will be reset. Если ничего не делать – сам спишет со счета в долларах. Если валюты нет в списке – спишет со счета в Долларах.

Bank Forte

Multicurrency: No

Price: Free for payroll (tenge or USD) or 4000 tenge per month for Solo premium card with all lounges and other goodies. Also free, if you spend 100 000 tenge per month.

NSR: Yes I Am

Alias: Yes I Am

Documents for opening an account: Passport with border crossing stamp, IIN certificate (just a number might be enough, but it is better to print the certificate), employment contract. Across 3 months, the accounts will be closed if there are no accruals for taxes or salaries.

Google Pay/Apple Pay: Yes I Am

Cashback: Two categories per month. Minimum amount 2000 tenge to withdraw cashback back to the card. Can be cashed out.

Brokerage account: There is an internal Forex. Available to all ForteBank customers.

Outcome: Great payroll card. For frequent and long trips abroad, currency Solo is suitable. Либо наоборот – соло в Тенге и ForteBlue в USD. A good and reliable card for life in Kazakhstan, you can use the premium card for free, if you spend 100 000 tenge per month. What's real, if you often use cashless payments.

Bank Kazposhta

NSR: Yes I Am

Translations of alias: Yes I Am

Google pay/Apple pay: No

Currencies: Tenge/Dollar/Euro

Multicurrency: Yes I Am

Documents for opening an account: Passport with border crossing stamp, IIN certificate (just a number might be enough, but it is better to print the certificate).

Outcome: Bank, which at the Kazakhstan post. Карта немного не стабильная – где-то попросту не работает, considering Kazakhstan itself. Mine does not want to work in the Kaspi terminals of Kazakhstan, однако если вставить по чипу – все ок. Better, than nothing. Map international, that is why, eg, легко привязывается к PayPal – а там уже что угодно можно оплатить (well, almost)

Bank Bereke

NSR: there is

Visa Alias: No

Google pay/Apple pay: Not working due to sanctions

Multicurrency: No

Currencies: Tenge/Ruble

Documents for opening an account: Passport with border crossing stamp, IIN certificate (just a number might be enough, but it is better to print the certificate).

The extract contains the address: No

Cashback: There is something, but haven't studied yet

Outcome: Former Sberbank. Is under sanctions, therefore, the cards of this bank do not work outside of Kazakhstan in principle. Convenient for those, что можно получать переводы из России по номеру телефона из Сбера.

Bank RBK

Documents for opening an account: Passport with border crossing stamp, IIN certificate, 60 000 rubles service in the first month. Неснижаемый остаток – 400 000 tenge.

Advantages: Outgoing SWIFT

Outcome: What for?


Documents for opening an account: Passport with border crossing stamp, IIN certificate, employment contract, residence permit in Kazakhstan, carrying out a ceremony and an oath of allegiance to this bank, 15 sit-ups, поиграть на “СЛАБО” с менеджером и тд.

Advantages: Outgoing SWIFT, beautiful managers.

Flaws: All the rest

Outcome: This bank goes last, because the bottom. Don't go to this bank, there are a bunch of other normal analogs above.



– Я только приехал в Казахстан, what should I open? (no extra fees)

The perfect gentleman's set: Caspian, Bank Center Credit (card card)

– Я приехал в Казахстан, I have a lot of subscriptions and I will often travel abroad and don't mind paying extra for a good card.

Caspian, HomeCredit + Bank CenterCredit (travel/iron)

– Я приехал в Казахстан, to study/work

Caspian, ForteBank


I AM, accustomed, that every banking application in Russia has 100500 functions and by default supports SBP transfers, was very surprised at the level of fintechs in Kazakhstan. Think, many were surprised. An objective view shows, that not a single bank in Kazakhstan has reached the level of Russian fintechs. Когда у нас брали деньги за обслуживание карты – мы плевались и пользовались по сути бесплатно картами многих банков, be it Sberbank or Tinkoff, all of them are technically pumped in and have a huge number of functions under the hood. But now the situation has forced us to reconsider our views on banking services., and, I think, что заплатить небольшую сумму за пользование хорошим продуктом – благородное дело.

Банковские отношения – древнее лигаси. As if every country has its own ecosystem, and so far no one has come up with, how to connect it all and automate and exclude human processing from all chains. There are commissions everywhere., Limits. Why is it impossible to freely transfer any currency anywhere, even within the country(BCK smog, like)? Для примера – криптовалюта – можно отправить хоть 10 billion dollars in one transaction, заплатив за “газ” какой-то доллар. While making such a transfer through a regular bank will not be that difficult, but expensive, or have to split the payment. maybe, one day banks will allow you to achieve the same freedom of action, what are crypto exchanges, but it won't be soon.

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