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If a black cat will pass the road

black-cat-4In general, there is a sign, what, if a black cat crossed the road you, то все – жди обвала горы неприятностей и невезения в течение ближайшего времени. Я – не суеверный человек и не верю во все эти предания бабулек, but once happened to me this story, After I changed my believing in people's signs.

Early autumn morning I was going to school at the usual way, which went on every day. Fallen leaves flew around and crunched underfoot, but in those days people did not yet have the habit to be photographed against leaves, then to put the original picture FaceBook, so the streets were fairly empty. I'm going, thinking about their own personal ideas and problems of children, when suddenly a cat jumped out in front of me and moved me the way. It scared me a lot, in fact I jumped quite sharply and broke my peace of mind, but worry was nothing, because the cat was a dazzling white, у него даже не было ни одной черной шерстинки – абсолютно белый, fluffy cat. I calmed down and went on.

On that day in school I particularly unlucky: I got all of two control, I called three times to the director for nothing, the guys on the street stools beat me on the street and picked my pocket twenty-five rubles, and when going home, I lost on the way gum from one earphone.

So many years have passed, and sometimes I remembered that story and thought: “почему же мне так не повезло? It was a white cat, and no more bad luck I have not met that day, and, so, дело было в коте”. There was a crisis and I do not know, Where to go to work, therefore responded to the vacancy for the post of technical support VKontakte. Then one day, on a normal working day (just as it was time, where rights holders have asked to remove their tracks from VKontakte), мне пришел один из многочисленных вопросов типа “почему с моей страницы пропали некоторые треки?. Я уже было хотел написать свой типичный ответ “такие дела, the court ruled, мы обязаны” и бла-бла-бла, но обратил внимание на аватар этого пользователя – там был изображен кот, He wore dark glasses and headphones Monster Beats, and his question was: “эй, какого … у меня в аудиозаписях все треки АК47 и GUF’а просто пропали? And a lot of other tracks, too, типа Eminem, 2Pac, 50Cent and a bunch of other. I mean I'm going to a meeting with pals, I wanted to include a minus, to reel guys rap, but found no tracks in his VC! Imagine, mazafaka, no crediting track! Но мы-то выкрутились – пришлось битбоксить, I did it for the first time, но у меня отлично получалось.”. Я взглянул повнимательней на аватар этого пользователя – это был ТОТ САМЫЙ БЕЛЫЙ КОТ! And cleared, so, turns, the cat was black, just like Eminem!

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