Blog P1ratRuleZZZ

In anticipation of the GTA V on PC


13 April 2015 is a year, surely, the most awaited day in the life zadrota (ok ok, not the expected, still we are waiting for Half Life 3). And here are a few minutes before the release of this very GTA 5. Many feared, that the release may be postponed for some time, Among them was and I, but I'm not afraid, but just thought it was a logical; but then I saw, even NVIDIA rolled Game Ready driver, pier, especially for the GTA 5, with the promised support for SLI and other noodles on the ears, вот только тогда я понял – на этот раз все крайне серьезно! Ah, да… Еще пару дней назад в стиме была доступна предзагрузка контента! Well the game lying on the torrents, like as, earlier, but without pills. Well, will value-check, what's what, And wait for deep analytics on Vanomasa, after which it will be possible to say exactly, delivered or not delivered landfills, myltse or myltse. Well, in general, Schoolchildren 100% попросят его запилить “смотр” на GTA 5, Otherwise, why did they then he scraped together a new top-end vidyuhi? (Caviar he, likely, the surrender bought, just otmazyvaetsya, say no, its bought, а потом в пацанских цитатниках появятся цитаты типа “Икра, bought the latest money-hungry students, much tastier, чем икра лососевых рыб”)

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