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Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power in the Early Access

trine3 early access


All, who are familiar with this franchise, We should just enjoy this news and soon acquire the game, yet it is a discount. Although, it is not necessary to set it right and start to pass the story, swearing at each step of, someone stuck in the texture or that the game has taken off. It is better to download and go again Trine: Enchanted Edition and Trine 2: The Complete Story. Just at that time will get the normal version of the third part of the game Trine 3: The Artifacts Of Power.

Buy: (Steam)

impressions from 40 minutes of the game

The main change in the game was the measurement of 3D: The first two parts were 2D arcade. Графика – сразу скажу, Vanomas it would not approve, well, to hell with him in general 🙂 Of course, that the graphics in the game is given is not the first, but not least: environment looks quite colorful, objects well distinguishable.


Начинается игра здесь с самого неуклюжего члена команды – бесстрашного рыцаря Понтия, who during the fights and breaking the walls still likes to think about food. Here we immediately get the ability to use a shield Pontius is not only to protect, but also to plan from one location to another. Также сразу в стартовом комплекте мы можем воспользоваться умением “рывок” – Понтий при этом ставит щит впереди себя и разгоняется, to crash in order, in whom the aim, although the aim of 3D measurement becomes more difficult to the enemy. Также сложнее стали драки – теперь враги лезут со всех возможных сторон, and earlier climbed only two.


My favorite character from the first two parts: ей не нужна помощь мага или рыцаря – она везде может повиснуть своим крюком и залезть практически на любой подъем, And, you can hang, while the others are fighting with monsters, although it is also of the arrows firing bad. The third portion is transformed into Zoe Prince Persian: she climbs the ridges, runs vertically along the walls, а также можно забраться частым нажиманием “пробел” между двумя параллельными стенами – да, this is purely a Prince of Persia, but the best you can call her Lara Croft, because she, of course, nyasha (although this graph does not tell, it says only my imagination).


So it came to the wizard. He seemed to me the most boring of the three characters, as long as he was only able to, that lift boxes, or create your own, only I do not understand, каким образом их надо двигать по оси Z – это реально прокол, if they do not intend to add this feature.


In general, the game has changed dramatically, although in general the story seems as interesting and attractive, герои все так же интересны – трус маг Амадей, independent thief Zoya and positive knight Pontius. We will expect a speedy fixes and adding new features, but now that I have to pass the second part and try to collect all achivki (it is quite exciting).

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