Blog P1ratRuleZZZ

Lamp atmosphere in the evening Sunday

Strange day

And So, воскресенье – в общем-то, – выходной день, it would seem, everything should be fucking cool, nothing should not happen, but for me it turned out differently (because i winner in life chief favorite of Murphy's Law).

Generally, since the morning of the day it occurred to rearrange freed the SSD Corsair Force GT 128GB to another computer as the system partition, but I forgot the problem, которые были с этим SSD у меня на старом компе (incompatibility controllers, which solved by raising the voltage at Southbridge). Yes, and the MIC was slightly broken: after, I kopirnul system partition on it, and finally figured out with all files and config boot bcd, попытка загрузить систему не обвенчалась успехом – все просто замерзало намертво, and displays artifacts. Then it was decided to defer these actions the next day and do the following: pull out nouta Plextor M6S to 256GB , koprinut it in Corsair Corsair and stick in the laptop, а Plextor – в комп.

After sleep

In the afternoon I successfully formatnul Corsair, although he gave me BLue Screen, apparently, has already begun to be covered somehow (with 2011 he works yet!). The result was using Parted Magic to write zeros to it and make Secure Format. Nout, in short, back to life. Stayed computer, but before that, I decided to upgrade the firmware on a Plextor 1.03 (## junk beard) and updated to 1.08 (No Release Notes, of course, have not been, had to believe, The new firmware is better and cooler, even though Ubisoft has dispelled my opinion, the new cool ==, released a patch to the Assassin's Creed: Unity, which contained the two gigabytes of soap (c), says Old Man Vanomas), in general, Returning to the SSD drives, I updated the firmware, all ok, далее решил нажать Secure Format через утилиту PlexTool — диск самозалочился(!!!) was detected. Вставляю диск в ноут – он его обнаруживает и пишет, what they say, I have to lock your drive, enter password. I do not know, who are guilty of this, may be, was the failure of the controller or something like that, but the fact is I was very upset. I forgot to say, that just before, flew as SSD, i've found, that on my HDD Case Zalman VE400 сломалась левая часть сенсора – та, где кнопка “Menu”, – а значит, I could not Tepe switch box mode hard disk. In general, Zalman lazhanulsya specifically for this model! VE200 model was 500 times cooler (by the way, and now its use) – никаких сенсоров, Only mechanical wheel (although it is a pity, that no hardware encryption), the task of emulating USB-ODD and HDD Case task as performs all 100, In addition, there eSata, which always makes me happy, единственный минус – нет USB 3.0 (although there are exactly the same, but with USB 3.0). In general, в любом случае – жаль.

Хороший сервис – бесценен. For everything else, there is no money and expensive dollar.

I decided, so, attributed the whole thing to a guarantee to pass and went in Yulmart, сдал в общем-то оба девайся – повезло, – сразу же оформили возврат. Boxes such as the hard drive was not, so we had to take the money (old price ~ 2200r, new price ~ 3500r), because if it were available, I could change, но увы 🙁 А вот с диском повезло – в наличии оказался такой же, so I came home with a disk (the price is too rose to 2000P, basically, these are 30% of the value of, but I do not pay extra, потому что поменял товар – это круто 🙂 .

In general, situation has stabilized, потери минимальны – данные все я успел копирнуть прямо перед самоуничтожением SSD, although there was not anything important, but a couple of gigabytes of selected video of Sasha Grey (ну там где она пришла на шоу Вечерний Ургант или … ну… и всякое разное другое интересное видео короче) , a new SSD I kopirnul Windu with a hard disk partition (it was difficult, but in the end everything turned out pretty quickly and without any problems and stupidity).

Lamp atmosphere in the evening Sunday

To create a lamp atmosphere we need the following ingredients

  • Somewhere 1:22 nights (You can later, but not 4:00 morning. В четыре утра – отбой в любом случае, otherwise cocks (neighbors with a drill) You wake)
  • Poorly-lit room
  • Cup of tea (but rather a huge glass)
  • What thread, to sharpen (cookies, chipsiki or, in my case, – попкорн)
  • Progress bar up from Acronis'a, which has not yet reached 75%, to look at it

Here It Is, for example, Windows partition backup process when only lamp atmosphere

2015-04-06 01.22.44

As I write, I on the SSD, copying 80GB of data took somewhere in ~ 20 minutes, and, can, and less. Next had to fight with the prescription in the boot mbr, Change the drive letter (hang on the SSD partition with letter C:), and reconfigure the boot loader configuration bootmgr (command bcdedit bootrec and mainly). In general, с третьей перезагрузки все получилось 🙂 Далее уже всякие оптимизации для SSD – Google Chrome cache transfer to RamDisk, Disable indexing and services prefetch and readyboot. Trim был включен по умолчанию – PlexTool (the original utility from Plextor) показала мне зелененький флажок Trim “ON”, that calmed my soul and conscience, as well as help you to forgive yourself, what happened to that little girl in the childhood. And, что очень круто и вообще выше всех похвал – Plextor наконец-то разработали технологию PlexTurbo – кэширование в оперативную память читаемых и записываемых данных! (Something like Rapid Mode in drives from Samsung). This feature has helped to achieve read speeds 700 MB / sec 1100 MB / sec writing to the SATA controller 2 (even for the SATA controller 3 it's a lot).


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