Preloading of Assassin's Creed is now available In Steam: Rogue, but it is unplayable yet, because the content will be decrypted only on March 10. Yet for pirates (like me) игра стала доступна еще 7-ого марта и лежит на всяких торрент трекерах – бери и качай.
Pre-order on Steam can still be canceled
In Steam pre-order you can still cancel, if the game is something you are not satisfied, and it may well happen, therefore advise all, who have already pre-order, download and play pirates, and this has to conclude, whether or not this game 2000 rubles, or not worth it.
The reasons for this may be a bunch:
- Low quality products Ubisoft recently raises questions
- Price is clearly not adequate (as for Unity, Far Cry 4)
- Support Ubisoft moronic (see below)
- В режиме SLI ни одна игра НЕ РАБОТАЕТ нормально – все время текстуры летают или мерцают, and no one is going to Fix
A little about Ubisoft
I have always respected the game for Ubisoft Prince of Persia, in those days,, when there was no PS3 and PS4 and xbox, games on PC have been popular, and the cost is cheaper (I for 200 rubles bought the CD POP: Two Thrones by Akella). The quality of this game is still at the highest level, Unlike the same Unity.
Recently there was a case of my appeal to tech support about the departure of Far Cry 4. I asked a question, explained the situation, thanked in advance for your help. Immediately after creating a support ticket I climbed to seek a solution and found it very quickly: just delete the folder Far Cry 4 settings from the Documents folder. Three days later, I received an answer (!), in which they asked the first thing to prove, I bought the game, because otherwise they will not help me, and asked them to throw dxdiag, and report on system, as well as a photo of my bare ass pet. Of course, all of which I sent to them, and the next day came here is such a response: “Открываете автозагрузку и выключаете все приложения оттуда”. I had no words, to even answer: simple mat there is not something that was not acceptable, He was useless, like any other word, so I did not answer, just put the worst marks for technical support.
In total
- Ubisoft shit.
- Ubisoft does not support products for PC, all the time engaged only in consoles
- The inadequacy of the prices of products
- It is not necessary to buy more products Ubisoft
- Do not buy even for cooperative, потому что кооператив у Ubisoft говно – это доказывает Far Cry 4
- Absolutely complete incompatibility of work in SLI mode (купил две топовые видюхи – зачем?)