Blog P1ratRuleZZZ

When leaving important strangers

I'm alone, yet I have. I can not do everything, but still I can do something. And I will not refuse to do the little, I can (c)

When leaving important strangers

surprisingly, but only a couple of hours ago I was in a very good mood; even growing dollar and rising prices even more on all, that money can buy, I was not annoyed. But one thing is only one news, I suddenly found, I was able to suppress the positive and catch up on a bit of depression in this quiet Sunday night.

All Saturday night I spent with a friend in the fervent pace, играя по сети в Dying Light. I'm worried, that the game will not play due to the aging of iron from a friend, but a fresh patch was able to make the game less enjoyable, giving us the opportunity to finally enjoy the game, but also frightened many times and, it would seem, ensuring that the most vivid nightmares about zombies.

Anyway, It was time to stop playing for the day, therefore continue the tradition was watching funny videos on youtube. I do not know, what happened at that point with Chrome browser or a video card with driver, but any video in Chrome simply jammed completely browser, and helped only chromium killing process. At any other time I would confuse the search problem and its solution, однако в этот раз я просто решил открыть видео в другом браузере – Firefox, that I have hanging in the quick start since 2008 year (and even earlier). It so happened, Mozilla that I have enjoyed for a long time and for a long time, but suddenly gained popularity chrome, so I somehow smoothly went to him.

Open browser window, I saw a bar of shortcuts to saved pages, among which was a reference to c заголовком “Не решается алгебра? Help!. The memory immediately surfaced moments student, I loved to play truant and engage in nonsense, or just sleep at home while, both in school already in the midst of the whole it was the second or third pair. I never had a problem with the algebra and general mathematics in general, in the same way and I had no hatred for these subjects, but all the same the whole year of higher mathematics I have successfully skipped, making a bet on the intelligence and ability to quickly learn the exact sciences.

Но вот настала пора экзаменов — так называемая “сессия”, and I started having problems with higher mathematics. What to do? Без паники – есть под рукой интернет! Something easily understood, something given hard, но метод изучения википедий и прочих сайтов с теорией математики себя исчерпал – надо было пробовать что-то другое. Of course, some of the things I realized, simply by reading the code in C ++ or even distorting Pascal, which implemented the decision of certain things, but this method is not suited for all. Remained the most cunning and complicated things (at least, so I thought). И вот я наткнулся на эти “дневники”, where they promised humanly help with problem solving.

I will not go into the details, как проходила помощь мне – полному идиоту, are going to understand the higher mathematics for a couple of days, – лучше сразу перейду к самому главному, what I, as a matter of fact, and I walked over the previous few paragraphs, but for this we will have to return your consciousness of the era of my students in the reality, when the ruble lost much, that it can not even be something to compare, and all the prices have risen every two or three larger. Mechanically I clicked on this tab and hit the blog page, which offered help with math, and I saw the following

This news anyway dramatically changed my condition. So what is this such a Robot? Alas, but the answer to this question, I do not know. How Come? Because I really can not talk about it almost nothing: eye color, hair, tone of voice and even her name. But why, then, I scribbled this story 4:09 morning, when the eyes are closed already, and the head is projecting himself on the pillow? I can only say, that this man, so well hidden behind the pseudonym Robot, helped me, – дурачку, – понять то, I could not understand higher mathematics, а самое главное – сдать этот экзамен и оставить проблемы позади.

My first encounter with robotessoy was here about a

Slightly pointed me in completely politically correct form of, What I still oak, she still sent me on the way, Carefully place so your answer. Surely, she thought, that's it, but it would be a ride with another person, but not me:

Well, hi, I'm from the past! Long thought, what I would do, if met myself in the past,, Now I know the answer: я бы просто сделал жест “фейспалм”, and when last I do not understand, I will do another of the same gesture.

In my dumb question was adequate and thoroughly chewed answer:

Of course, All this helped me. But her calmness and adequacy I wonder just now, but its unique acumen and knowledge of the exact sciences impressed me even in those days,.

Generally, I wanted to tell this story about, as sometimes you can sincerely sympathize with the fact, whom, as a matter of fact, and I never knew, when it turns, that this person has already left this world, in addition, as is clear from the description, I left quite early.

Altruism and enthusiasm of this man, I think, helped not only to me, but also many other people. Community created it still exists, and in general, any activity carried out there, so this story is only a small, What can I do for the commemoration of the importance in my life, stranger.


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