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UltraVDS – самый лучший РАЗВОД за 2 minutes


Suddenly, for myself, I decided to pick up a game server Rust Experimental, easy to play, I played myself playing, built houses, I studied the game, and immediately began to break people, who wanted to play, too. Since then decided to make a public server and place it on any VDS. Server online order could not( I had to write to technical support, and they gave me authority launched, immediately demanded to pay for at least a month of use, хотя на сайте есть условие большими буквами “Платить сейчас необязательно! You have one week to test!. I paid for the whole month of Use, server is generally arranged, but immediately faced with limits, that nobody at first without a word!

And So, Now there cons provider

  1. CPU usage limit of the average 35% for 24 hours
  2. Лимит трафика 150ГБ – туда и обратно, probably further reduce the speed or just zablochat, like me and did, but on this later. (although the conditions in the main written, Chto unlimited traffic)
  3. Лимит операций ввода-вывода – в среднем 350IOPS за 10 hours

Here everything was fine, Server work, people played for Rust 40-50 man immediately online, many things have built and done, and then I receive a message, that the server is blocked! Without knowledge and without warning, they simply cut off service, for which I paid, demanding money for protection against DDoS attacks! Here such here they, these guys! Главный их обман – это то, claimed that the criteria are not met upon. For Example, it was stated, that the traffic is not restricted. In my mind, не ограничен – это когда нельзя сказать точную цифру, and even more so to achieve it, in general, Infinitely, but there are limits, as it turned out!


No I do not recommend this VDS Provider, extremely unpleasant guys, ужасная поддержка – все время тычут носом в договор и твердят одно и то же. It is better to pay more and get a good stable server, all of whose conditions are transparent. Although, I can only recommend this provider order, who wants to connect remotely to the server and watch movies on it, although the block for you, that you do not order, what they think ought to be engaged, and will, что в договоре появился пункт “5.6.9 Не смотреть кино на сервере”.

Hope, my angry post helps someone!

I do not recommend to use this provider for heavy projects. Хостить простенький сайт – не проблема.

PS: I will not recommend something specific, because people are starting to think, that registered post. So dig toward IAAS servers or something thread from VDS, providers fully, different prices, look for reviews, tests, etc..

Updates 10.12.2018

Then I was approached by the threat zaroskomnadzorit my blog

Disclaimer: All references to external resources have been removed, as this post is not an advertisement for something specific, it is rather a review after using the services UltraVDS. You decide, whether to use this provider, or look for something else. If you are satisfied with all of these disadvantages, and if you do not want to hold heavy servers with heavy load, then this service you may well come. However, the, that the company has resorted to such methods here, how forcefully asked to remove all content, that is, He asks me to give her opinion about, I did not like the service, I either love them, or silent, такие вот методы запугивания и угроз – о чем они говорят, решайте сами.

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