Ну что тут можно сказать – на дворе 21 century. Century, where technology jumped so high, that's all we had seem trivial. Whereas previously the fastest connection, affordable everyday yuzerneym, considered a modem Internet at a speed of 56k (I almost did not find the time), and the Internet have appeared in the phone only, when Moscow provided online by an average of 2-5 megabits per second; today the speed 10, and even 20 and more Mbit / s can be achieved on a conventional smartphone, be it iPhone or any Android device.
iCloud — облачный сервис хранения данных (same, как Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, Yandex.Disk and others.), но только для “мажоров” – пользователей продуктов Apple. It would seem, it is a huge company, has billions in the budget, enslave all nelyubiteley think, I would have to protect the information by some good encryption or something, but because of problems such a plan did not exist, I think, that the cloud rained all without any encryption, and therefore it would be necessary only to access an account, and immediately you can safely pour information from disk. apparently, so great brains and did, download some naughty photos of celebrities from icloud. Celebrities themselves could not even guess, that as soon as they have made a photo, it immediately falls into the cloud, therefore remove the photo from the phone would not be enough.
Currently the archive with photos znamenistoey is currently in the vast network, девушка на фото в посте – Дженнифер Лоуренс (I love female lions, what to do). Especially here this is nothing so
Do not think, that some or dropboks Mail Cloud, generously granted by terabytes free space at one time, can not hack. Last, for sure, It has a bunch of stocks. If Dropbox has long existed and is used for corporate purposes by some companies, his, likely, crack is a little harder, although it is quite possible to gain access through a password :-), so that the true proverb, что “все, did people, Not perfect, а значит можно обойти”.
rejoice, that you're not Dzhennifer Lourens or any other celebrity, because even if your data network utekut, they will almost nobody wants)
I can not put all the photos in his blog, because it is actually personal lives and not good to watch other people's photos! However, during the hashtags can easily find all of the tag #fappening
After the incident on torrent trackers out in top movies Silver Linings Playbook / Silver Linings Playbook and film The Hunger Games / The Hunger Games (Well, at least here the correct translation) with the participation of our favorite Dzhennifer Lourens! Looks like, it only will give it greater popularity, Well, in this case, I am happy for her. We will see, how it will affect the rest, even though, probably about them already forgotten, because now everything revolves around Lawrence.
How did it happen?
Related Links
- http://habrahabr.ru/post/200256/
- http://appleinsider.ru/icloud/apple-otreagirovala-na-informaciyu-ob-utekshix-foto-znamenitostej.html
- http://yablochno.com/news/24977
- http://www.segodnya.ua/culture/stars/geroinya-dzhennifer-lourens-s-filma-golodnye-igry-popala-v-knigu-rekordov-ginnesa-549826.html