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Lady Gaga – Applause. The highly anticipated single was released earlier, than expected due to leakage

And So, Today Monday, 12 August 2013 year, I am particularly pleased with the new single from Lady Gaga called Applause. For a long time there was nothing to be heard from it, except in the case of, when she injured knee, допрыгавшись на Born This Way Ball. By the way, concert in Moscow was very original and spectacular, it is you all do not Stas Mikhailov.

The release of the single was scheduled for 19 August. Gaga herself has already spammed all the twitter unintelligible phrases, which eventually turned out to be fragments from this single. And in their tweets, it requested the monsters (her fans) показать ей наши “счетчики” (Photo, where on the fingers show, how many days until singles).

But suddenly she panicked the whole twitter: “911! Emergency pop situation! the single will be released today!.

Here are a couple of quotes from the network:

“Изначально премьера нового материала была запланирована на 19 August, but leaked online demo forced the angry singer accelerate release. (source link)

Buy the single and pre-order, you can immediately ARTPOP:
You can download it from torrent, of course.

Lyrics here

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