Blog P1ratRuleZZZ

Find out, какая песня играла на радио — вопрос? No! It is not a problem!

Sometimes the radio plays a very steep composition, to your ears, perhaps, first hear only, then it would be desirable, of course, Pour this song on your phone or on your iPod, well, in general, understandably. First you need to know, And what a song is played at all.

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Many may not know, but at can listen to FM recording, there is everywhere song titles, and specify the time, in which they played.
If you are traveling in the car, and radio song bombing, which stimulates your body's production of phenylethylamine and other natural drugs (shorter song you just love), then, i think, Watch to find you will not be a problem, To see, how many time, When your song is played and what frequency was tuned radio in the car. Пускай например бомбила некая песня типа “I know you got it — clap your hands on the floor….” в 11:03, and the radio was tuned to a frequency 101.2 FM . Well then remembered, or recorded. came home, opened a site there and select stations 101.2 FM

That learned, what song is playing 11:30 on 101.2 FM

You can still use the service “Что за песня? , which is on the right side of the site

Hope, information will be useful!

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