Blog P1ratRuleZZZ

Hide friend from the list vkontakte

Click on the friends and my eye catches someone, Who would not want to see. And of course I would like to remove it from there, for example I go and assume, that pisses me off like this chick

so, At first, you need to learn it id (ID,). It's enough to bring кнопку “Отправить сообщение” и Нажать Right mouse button->copy the link.

Then click Paste in Notepad and insert the following text

here it is 123456 — это и есть id.

I will describe a method for Mozilla:

Mozilla Firefox:
The fox problem is solved fairly quickly, you must download the addition chanterelle Stylish (Yes yes this link) , install it and restart your browser.
After installing the plugin, в правом нижнем углу окна браузере появится его кнопочка .
Here is a:
Also in the plugin menu, as you may have noticed, can be accessed via the menu Tools → Add-ons → Styles.

Now you need

  1. Open the site itself
  2. Click on the icon in the lower right Stylish corner of the browser.
  3. Select Создать новый стиль → Для…
  4. In the window that appears, enter a name for the style(anything, though I burned incense in the font), inserted between the curly skobochek here such code
    #user_block123456 / * Then of course your id * /
    display:none !important;


    and press Save.

It should look like:

namespace url(;

@ -moz-Document domain(“”) {

#user_block123456 / * Then of course your id * /


display:none !important;



Well that's all, in principle,. Now go to friends and will not see there is no Vasilisa Ilinishna.

If anyone at all will need to do so of course. If you are very interested, how to do so for the opera, then at your request can write

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