Blog P1ratRuleZZZ

Create multiple user profiles in Opera 10

So today had nothing to do, посмотрел в окно — погода вроде нормальная, and
thought to try to make multiple profiles in the browser Opera. B Mozilla Firefox this is not difficult, and it is written everywhere, including the official website of chanterelles. But when I started googling about Opera, it did not find an interesting niche or are very long and boring instructions. After some trouble with this all figured, All that could be done a lot easier. (Guide goes further)
For, to create a new profile Opera, to:
  1. Open the folder with profiles(Of course, you can not keep it, but in principle anywhere)
    To do this, open the


    If you do not have to start “Выполнить”, you can click on the keyboard
    “Флажок Windows”+”R”

    write a text here:


    and press “Enter”

  2. Folder opens, we find in it a folder “Opera” , it will create another folder. I call it “Cadila” (Th can write a wish)

    Now copy the folder you created this one file and open it in Notepad.

    If the file can not be downloaded for some reason, то можно просто создать самим такой файл с именем “operaprefs.ini” и вписать туда код, which will enlarge.

  3. We'll see where that's such lines:
    [User Prefs] Opera Directory =% appdata% Opera profile name Вместо “Имя профиля” подставьте свое имя профиля
    Title = My new Opera profile! [Mail] Mail Root Directory=%appdata%OperaИмя профиляmail Вместо “Имя профиля” подставьте свое имя профиля

    After, I framed my profile name (“Cadila”), that is, the name of the folder created, It turned out like this:

    [User Prefs] Opera Directory =% appdata% Opera Cadila
    Title = My new Opera profile! [Mail] Mail Root Directory =% appdata% Opera Cadila mail

    Now save the file and close the notepad.

  4. Now you have to take a shortcut “Opera” from the desktop and copy it(make a copy of a desktop shortcut, that was two labels “Opera”) . Take a second label, right click on it and change the properties

    I was written

    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe”

    We need to put at the end of the gap and finish line

    /settings “%appdata%\Opera\Имя профиля\operaprefs.ini”

    Substituting your profile name

    eventually I got so

    “C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe” /settings “%appdata%\Opera\Cadila\operaprefs.ini”
  5. Now save the shortcut, нажав “Применить”. Закроем браузер “Opera” (if it was opened) and the launch of a new opera with shortcut. If you come out the error, just ignore, закройте оперу и еще раз запустите с этого же ярлыка — должно быть все нормально.

If done correctly, значит теперь есть два ярлыка на рабочем столе для запуска “Opera” , можно их переименовать например “Моя Opera ” и “Opera моей сестрички”

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