On Monday, 29 March, in 7:56 в Московском метрополитене на станции “Лубянка” во втором вагоне поезда произошел взрыв. Later, in 08:39, на станции метро “Парк культуры”-радиальная сработало еще одно взрывное устройство. It was in the fifth with a tail of a train, следующего в сторону станции “Улица Подбельского”. As a result of the terrorist attacks in the Moscow subway killed 37 human, yet 66 affected. According to the head of the Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov, power of the bomb, приведенной в действие на “Лубянке”, was about 4 kilograms of TNT, а на “Парке культуры”-радиальной сработала взрывчатка с поражающими элементами мощностью около 1,5-2 kilograms of TNT. The trains were blown up by a RDX. Representatives of the FSB stated, that the bombings were carried out suicide bombers. Metro secured the Interior Ministry troops. Two women, that, According to investigators, accompanied by the subway bombers, declared wanted.
Morality: And it proves once again, that it is necessary to score sharaga and go to the third or the second pair, and finally better score all day.