Blog P1ratRuleZZZ

Useful iTunes scripts (Perl , VBS и JavaScript)

Once thought came, I read something somewhere about API iTunes, for Mac is, of course, everything is easy, because there is a full-fledged AppleScript, but about Windows — не знал как быть. It turned out that it is possible to control iTunes through COM-object, используя любой пригодный язык программирования и среду разраюотки — это fat plus to Apple.

Naryl here a couple of scripts, here's a script, they on Perl, but the launch will not be difficult, in the set has Exe-SNIKE, which will launch the selected script, this pack of scripts called
Teridon's iTunes Scripts:
Here he website this guy with scripts descriptions:
But he script package:

Among these scripts I just needed that fit, which removes es library files, which does not exist, and a script, which finds and removes duplicates(It is better to use a version of VBS, due to problems with encoding ) If someone has a fundamental impossibility Perl, Welcome to the scripts in JavaScript:

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