Blog P1ratRuleZZZ

Spell checker in Opera 10 as in Mozilla Firefox

The other day there chanced upon an article, in Opera 10 do the same spell-checking as well as in Mozilla Firefox, and it is on the Firefox dictionary. And while not all the English words emphasized.

In general, the first, what need to do, This download dictionaries for Mozilla. Downloading Russian-English dictionary. He will be in the format * .xpi (plug-in for Mozilla). Ну *.xpi — Это тот же самый zip-архив, поэтому просто переименовываем *.xpi в *.zip.

Next you need to unzip the zip file received and there will be two files:

They must be copied to the folder C:\Program Files Opera locale ru and restart Opera.

Then you can go to check on and write something in the search box. Нажать правую кнопку мыши и выбрать “Проверять правописание”. Opera will emphasize all, what is wrong is written by you.

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